重磅!!!燃爆上海的冠军墅 二期来了!二期认筹在即

365淘房网 2020-10-20 11:06 阅读 762

1、本项目推广名为“东滩云墅”,地名办核准名/备案名为“怡雅园”;开发公司为:“上海崇文置业有限公司”;2、本资料为要约邀请,不作为要约或承诺;3、相关宣传内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及出卖人分期规划、未能控制等原因而发生变化;4、出卖人可能会不定期对宣传材料进行修改;5、买卖双方的权利义务以双方签订的《商品房买卖合同》及其补充协议、附件等书面文件为准;6、本文图片部分来自于网络,部分来自于项目效果图,仅作为推广示意使用;如涉及版权使用,请版权所有人与我司联系;7、资料中涉及的各类设备、材料品牌仅供参考,以实际交付为准。8、本资料所发布的内容为2020年9月前的信息,敬请留意最新资料;9、备案名:怡雅园   预售证号:崇明房管(2020)预字0000127号


1. The promotion name of this project is “Dongtan Yunshu”, the name approved by the Place Name Office is “Yiya Garden”; the development company is: “Shanghai Chongwen Real Estate Co., Ltd.” Offer or promise; 3. Relevant publicity content does not exclude changes due to relevant government plans, regulations, and the seller's staging plan, failure to control, etc .; 4. The seller may modify the promotional materials from time to time; 5. The rights and obligations are subject to the written documents such as the "Commercial Housing Sale Contract" and its supplementary agreements and attachments signed by the two parties; 6. The pictures in this article are partly from the Internet, partly from the project renderings, and are only used for promotional purposes. , Please contact the owner of the copyright; 7. The various equipment and material brands involved in the materials are for reference only, and the actual delivery shall prevail. 8. The content published in this document is the information before April 2020. Please pay attention to the latest information; 9. Record name: Yi Ya Yuan.Presale certificate number: Chongming Housing Management (2020) pre-word 0000127.



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