
奇门遁甲369 2019-10-30 23:56 阅读 392


Can the shops invest in China?


In 2018, the number of people who consulted me for real estate investment increased again. The reason is that the price of housing has gone up too much.


My answer is that housing can be bought, and the commodities are enough.


In the past few years, my advice to my friends is that no matter where the shop is, as long as it is on the street, it is the best to buy, the best in the first tier city and the remote county.


In 2018, unless it is a crowded area, the first floor on the street facade, the price is reasonable, within an area of 200 square meters can be considered.


The price of a reasonable standard method to understand the local room per square meter room rent price, multiplied by 12 months and then multiplied by 10 years is a reasonable sale price of the shop, of course, the good position may be higher than this number.


If it is not to participate in the purchase of property rights and charter, there are too many problems in the later period. Although they have their own property rights but are very passive, there will be problems that can not be operated by themselves, nor can they recover rent or rent, because the property rights can not be changed again because no one takes over.


In the last few years, I suggested that the friend investment shop was based on the market. A large number of enterprises went bankrupt and went bankrupt and a large number of farmers entered the town. A large number of people started to start a business. The rent of the shops was rising and the second-hand transaction prices of the shops were rising constantly. The number of shop area was less than the market demand, and the supply was in short supply. At this time, investment shops are a fool's investment.


But now the market environment has changed.


1. Due to the investment boom of the shops in the past years, many development companies have joined the shop construction army, all kinds of famous commercial markets, and a large number of new residential buildings have become commercial houses downstairs. At the beginning, there is only one layer of business. Now many are four layers of business, and the area of business shops is increasing much more than before. Ask too much.


2, the rise of the network era has changed the original mode of operation, before the need to rely on facade room management of some industries, now some completely rid of the entity store operation to the network store operation. Some industries only regard entity stores as image and product display, reducing the size of physical stores. The market demand for shops has fallen considerably more than before.


3, now the price of the shop market is much higher than before. It belongs to the stage without market. The former investors do not want to lose money, but the existing prices are not accepted.


4, you can take a look at the streets and alleys of the first tier cities. Many of them put on the "transfer phone" and "rented phone" on the top of the city. The more information you can see, the more the shops in this city can't invest.

市场研究 吕福宏

Market Research Lv Fuhong


Spring of 2018








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